
Essential Tips For Building Your Custom Sheep Yards

It is hard to handle a large flock of animals, let alone sheep- sheep are notoriously difficult to handle. It is even more so if there is a lack of resources and workmanship. All these problems would change for the better if you had a custom sheep yard. 

A well-built yard will allow sheep to move freely and comfortably whenever you decide they should. You won’t need to hire more hands as that would be unnecessary. Well-designed custom sheep yards enable ease of movement for sheep and aid handling. 

You may not know whether to go DIY or hire an expert when building custom sheep yards. However, by giving you clever tips, this article will ensure that whatever custom sheep yards you choose will work.  

  1. Consult The Necessary Agencies

While making custom sheep yards, you should evaluate and include feedback from private and public agencies. You should do that at the start of construction, as you won’t want anything to happen if they aren’t involved. It is advisable not to wait for an issue to occur before approaching them. 

These agencies were made to help check and regulate the necessary resources for handling, maintaining and properly caring for sheep. Due to this, it’s an invaluable tip to involve them throughout all stages of construction to ensure all is done legally and sheep comfort is effectively addressed. 

  1. Retain Space For Future Expansion 

While planning for custom sheep yards, consider the space available and any modifications you’d like to make in the future. You should leave extra space for any eventualities in the future.  

Your stock will rise as time passes, and you’d want to expand to make more space for movement among the sheep in the yard. That makes leaving some space essential.  

  1. Make wise infrastructure investments. 

Remember that it’s sheep we’re dealing with and that they can be very tough and unpredictable- so all decisions should be thoroughly thought out. Investing in high-quality infrastructure for your custom sheep yards should be the top priority as it helps you and your staff handle the stock better. 

Invest in high-quality and durable materials, and ensure that your catchers, gates, and ramps will serve their purpose well – without putting undue strain on your stock. Each material should have at least a warranty of three years.  

  1. Involve professionals. 

Whether you construct one or hire a professional, the job will be tricky regardless of your chosen method. If you aren’t sure of your capabilities, you should call in the help of a professional. That is because creating a functional yard is not a cheap walk. Surely, you may have done this before- but it’s not about to cost you a thing to bring in outside help. 

These professionals have done this before and have dealt with any issues that may have occurred during the process. Your case won’t be different from others, and you will be in capable hands. In addition, they’d provide insight into how to build a long-lasting yard.  

  1. Repair all impediments 

Your custom sheep yard must be free of any problems before you begin. If you wait to do this till you begin construction, you indirectly call for trouble.  

A thorough examination of your site and elimination of all barriers is essential to construction.  


All this will only last if your staff are trained enough to handle your stock and the yard. So after setting your perfect custom sheep yards, go on to train the handlers as well. Custom sheep yards enable stock to live a smooth and free life.

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